Concentriq's 2018 Benefits Benchmarking Survey

Concentriq’s 2018 Benefits Benchmarking Survey

7 years ago
Industry change combined with a tight labor market and growing millennial workforce are causing asset managers to re-assess the competitiveness of their employee benefit plans. During the second and third quarters of 2018, Concentriq conducted interviews with 43 asset managers across the U.S. to develop a comprehensive benchmarking survey in regards to employee benefits offerings. […]
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Why Headhunting is Dead (or should be)

Why Headhunting is Dead (or should be)

7 years ago
Yes, I realize that statement comes across as somewhat perverse, especially given I own a recruiting firm. If I’m speaking frankly though, like you when I hear the word headhunter it makes me cringe. I inevitably harken back to my most recent car-buying experience where the salesman told me that he had just the car […]
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